This will be our last lesson in our stewardship emphasis. For this week, please contact your class members and encourage them to be here this Sunday for Chest of Joash! This is an important Sunday on the church calendar.
Preparing for Sunday, January 23
Here is everything you need as you prepare for this Sunday! Let me know if you have any questions…JJ
Lesson Prep for 1/23
This week is stewardship lesson #3. Hopefully, the sun will help us out this week 🙂
We invited 23 people last week which is great! Let’s try to get at least that many this week!
Finally, we have a lot of absentees to contact this week. Some have been sick, some were iced in, etc. Remember, you can miss church for a good reason and still grow cold! Don’t let the week go by without a personal touch.
Below is everything you need for this week’s lesson. Let me know if you have any questions! JJ